Black & Brown
Good Grief.

What is it?

Black and Brown Good Grief is a peer to peer support meeting and non-judgmental space for black and brown persons who have experienced bereavement.

This space allows a person to grieve while still acknowledging the nuances of their heritage and culture.

Black and Brown Good Grief was started by black and brown attendees and continues to be run and hosted this way.

Virtual Meetings:

Zoom UK

Every month

Sunday 7pm (UK)

Visit Upcoming Meetings for a full schedule of meeting dates in the coming weeks.

Why did it start?

The New Normal was created to give space to all people in their grief. However, black and brown attendees felt, at times, they spent too long explaining their experiences rather than receiving the support they needed.

There was a collective recognition that not everyone felt fully represented or supported by existing meetings, and we had to take action to change that.

Black and Brown Good Grief was launched in July 2020 by two incredible women, Amber and Georgia, to give a space and voice to the Black and Brown community.

“The online grief community is a wonderful space. I know for a fact, it has saved some people’s lives.

To finally find a space where you feel seen and heard in your grief. A space where you can truly express your feelings without shame. A space where most find someone or something they can relate to.

But that is not the case for all. The people who that isn’t the case for, is the black and brown community. There is a lack of representation and safe spaces amongst the online grief world for people who look like me, along with many others.

A lack of spaces where we feel seen and heard in our entirety. A lack of spaces where we can just grieve, without explanation needed. TNN was born to create a space for everybody to grieve.”

Amber, founding Host of Black and Brown Good Grief.

What to expect?

This meeting was created to give space to openly discuss experiences of grief in an empathetic environment, in the knowledge that they are shared with others from similar cultural backgrounds and ethnic heritage.

Please see our What to Expect section for detailed information.

If you have further questions, please Contact Us.