Queer Good Grief.

What is it?

Queer Good Grief is a peer to peer support meeting and non-judgemental space for bereaved LGBTQ+ grievers to talk about their experiences of grief.

This space prioritises queer and trans people, allowing them to speak openly and honestly without fear of judgement.

Queer Good Grief was started by queer attendees and continues to be run and hosted this way.

Virtual Meetings:

Zoom UK


Tuesdays 6.30pm (UK)

Why did it start?

“As queer and trans people, we found ourselves too often in a position of having to censor ourselves to ensure our safety. When discussing something as sensitive as grief, it was important to have a space which was by us and for us, hence the beginning of Queer Good Grief. Through shared identities and experiences, we’ve created a space which is vulnerable, tender and somehow still joyful.”

June, founding Host of Queer Good Grief

What to expect?

The meetings were created to give space to openly discuss experiences of grief in an empathetic environment, in the knowledge that they are shared with others within the LGBTQ+ community. As queer people may often have to self-censor, this space was created to allow for full expression. 

Please see our What to Expect section for detailed information.

If you have further questions, please Contact Us.