Student Good Grief.

What is it?

Student Good Grief is a peer to peer support meeting for bereaved university students. We know that grieving at university comes with its own unique challenges.

This is a friendly and informal space to come together with others who understand, to get stuff off your chest, listen to new perspectives, and support each other.

It is open to all students, no matter how you're experiencing grief, who you have lost (or are anticipating losing), or how long ago.

This is a collaborative space between The New Normal and The Student Grief Network.

Virtual Meetings:

Zoom UK

Twice a month

Monday 7pm (UK)
Thursday 7pm (UK)

Why did it start?

This is a collaborative space between The New Normal and The Student Grief Network. The Student Grief Network is a non-profit organisation run by students and recent graduates who have all experienced loss themselves.

We know that grieving at university comes with its own unique challenges and that the right support is sometimes hard to find.

Moving away from home, social pressures, and academic stresses are all examples of things that can make grief particularly lonely and overwhelming while you're a student.

“We know how easy it is when you're in the student bubble to feel like the only one experiencing grief and how painful that can be.

But in truth, there are lots of us going through it, and it helps so much to connect with others, see that you're not alone, and that your experience is normal.”

Anna, founding Host of Student Good Grief

What to expect?

The meetings were created to give space to openly discuss experiences of grief in an empathetic environment, in the knowledge that they are shared with others who can relate.

Please see our What to Expect section for detailed information.

If you have further questions, please Contact Us.